Focus on the Five Promises of America’s Promise
Presidents Clinton, Bush, Carter, Ford, and First Lady Nancy Regan (representing Ronald Regan) challenged the nation to make children and youth a national priority by fulfilling five promises. President George W. Bush reaffirmed their commitment in 2001 when he declared, “There is no more important goal for America than to make sure people realize the promise of our great land.” The City of Arlington has supported this effort since it became a City of Promise in January 2000.
The Alliance promotes the five promises because they are important to the development of our youth. If we as a community work at fulfilling these five promises, we help ensure that our legacy as community is one where youth can grow and mature into thriving adults. When any of the five promises are missing in the life of our children, then there is a larger chance that they will not enjoy life as much as they could. Consider these facts:
- Research shows that, the more of the Five Promises that children receive, the more successful they are likely to be.
- Children who receive the Five Promises are five to 10 times more likely to succeed as students, citizens, parents and employees.
- Children who receive the Five Promises are more likely to pursue higher education — and far less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol.
The return on investment for early childhood development is 16% for every dollar invested, according to Arthur J. Rolnick, senior vice president and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Mark A. Cohen, Professor, Vanderbilt University, researched the value of saving one youth at risk and determined that it would save the community between 1.7 and 2.3 million dollars over that person’s lifetime. Given these facts, I hope you will join us in promoting the five promises in our community and encouraging all to become volunteers.