Category: News

news-48Christin Garrison’s first thought when starting a yoga class at Dunn Elementary last year: go easy. Don’t do too much too fast for fifth and sixth graders whose only connection to yoga might be giggling at the poses on television. It didn’t take long for this certified yoga instructor who teaches adults at LA Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness health clubs to learn that she was dealing with little sponges ready and willing to soak up everything yoga.

Now the class is in its second year averaging 20 to 35 students each Monday in the school’s Music and Motion room. “I totally believe that yoga helps you stay healthy, helps you stay mentally focused, gives you something to be grounded in,” Garrison said. “It gives you a sense of confidence.”
Having received a Small Grant from AA4Y, Yoga will continue at Dunn. In fact, Garrison has used the funds to purchase Yoga blocks, which provides the support or height; you need to do poses safely, effectively and with better alignment.

Garrison and Dunn were just one of more than 20 awardees of AA4Y Small Grants. With their funds, SafeHaven will take a trip to the aquarium, Martin High School Key Club will teach CPR to more than 200 students at Corey and Little elementary schools and Walking for the Moon will provide children with Sickle Cell with homemade handbags filled with gifts.

295The way Dr. Scot Cressman sees it, every generation struggles to understand the behaviors of its youth. Today children are being raised in a world of risky behaviors, and often one that the adult society views as acceptable. That’s part of the message Cressman will be delivering Jan. 20 at the Arlington Alliance for Youth Collaboration Breakfast.

Make sure you attend this annual event that bringsĀ together key leaders and youth service providers in our community to hear reports to the community, share concerns, honor volunteers and develop collaborative initiatives to help our youth. The breakfast is sponsored by Chesapeake Energy and begins at 7:30 a.m. at the Mac Bernd Professional Development Center located at 1111 West Arbrook Blvd.

Details of AA4Y signature programs for the coming year will be announced and Small Grant recipients will be recognized.

We will also unveil our new AA4Y logo!

Dr. Cressman is founder of the Power of Choice Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to personal empowerment. Dr. Cressman leads a team of motivational speakers whose mission is to redirect our youth towards positive behaviors with messages of hope and compassion.

Dr. Cressman earned a M.A. in Licensed Professional Counseling and a Ph.D. in Counseling before playing professional football, a career shortened by injury. Three years ago, he was invited to Texas to become a member of the Power Team, an evangelistic ministry performing feats of strength and sharing their biblical beliefs.
Determined to extend the message of empowerment to all members of the community, Dr. Cressman founded the Power of Choice Foundation and continues to travel around the globe making speeches. He has published three books, Breaking Through: Choosing a Life of Courage, Handling Your Hormones and Parenting for Parents

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